Musings by Samuel

A blog with musings, observations, and ideas by Samuel Febres, of samuel febres photography & design on technology, life, and arts. 

Off We Go!

Away and Into the Blue album art by sfp&d

Away and Into the Blue album art by sfp&d

Late last year I got a chance to work with a client who was introduced to a unique musician. Unique is sometimes used to describe something as different without sounding mean. This time unique was used to describe a rare jewel. I was told his music was different, sampling from many wells but it wasn’t just a mindless hodgepodge. It was informed, directed, and intentional. I was intrigued, and heard a sample of the music that would eventually become the album Away and Into the Blue and I was impressed. The GRS has created a sonic palate that is creative and accessible, creating stories with singing, rapping, and a tapestry of sound that engulfs you while taking you on a journey.

The GRS released his album recently and I invite to you check it out. It’s available on AppleMusic, iTunes, Soundcloud, and Spotify and other streaming sites. Connect with him on his website, which I put together for him, and also check out some of the photos from our session below.

Also, learn more about the production of Away and Into the Blue by visiting Julian Cruz's post on the ethnikids website.
